My Faith: What I Believe
Hello Friends!
I’m glad you are here. If you are on this page, your are most likely curious about my beliefs...
Faith is a very personal thing.
What we believe is the lens through which we see the world and influences all we do.
Since I share a lot about faith, it is important that I share the lens through which I see the world.
I am aware that everyone has different experiences. I honor your journey of discovery as I trust you will honor mine and I hope that you live true to the things you know and believe inside.
This page is to clarify any questions you may have about my faith and the woman running Learn-Live-FLY, The Consecrated Life Project, and the Anchored community.
This is probably the longest and most sacred thing you will read from me. It is my heart.
(I'll break it up graphically so it's easier to read)
My name is Livia Pewtress.
I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
I choose it. I live it. I love it...
and have the greatest joys because of it.
I've had many people ask how I can be calm in the hardest of circumstances, peaceful amidst the pain, and courageously moving forward with chaos all around.
This song explains the joy I find even amidst the hardest trials in my life,
because I have chosen to live a life united with God and anchored to grace through Jesus Christ
When I chose consciously for myself to make my personal relationship with God my #1 priority in life, everything changed. I came to know the true nature of God. I listened with the intent to obey. I stepped out in faith when everything logically says it's impossible -- and everything worked out for my good. Again and again.
It's not always how I would like...
as I turn to God and counsel with Him I find strength beyond my own - Strength in my Savior.
*I know... you may have come across this page and have different experiences than I have ...
The fact is I know you have!
My invitation to you is to read this with an open heart.
Pray and ask God to testify of truth to you and help you to know
what is important for you to move forward in your life. I know He will.
Wait, are you are a "Mormon"?
In the past people have called us “Mormons” or the “LDS Church.”
We are Christian.
Jesus Christ is the center of the all I do.
It is His gospel we follow and respectfully ask that you use the full name of the church or simply “The church of Jesus Christ.” It is His church and He revealed the name of it.
"For thus shall my church be called in the last days,
even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints"
I have had people apologize for using the wrong name and be concerned about offending me. I am not offended. I also believe in grace and second chances.
Awareness leads to the ability to make different choices. Now you are aware! :)
I believe that we are all Children of God. Every person who has ever been born on earth chose to follow Jesus Christ and come experience mortality. I love all people and welcome differing beliefs. I will share here some of the beliefs I hold dear to my heart. I am not here to change what you believe, simply to share the truth that I have found.
I honor your journey and pray you will hold mine sacred as I do yours. I know that as we seek Truth (God's Truth) with an open heart, that He will guide us to all we need.
What I know about God
I believe in God. He is my Father and He lives in heaven. He is the Father of all our Spirits and loves us dearly. He desires us all to return to Him to live with Him for all eternity. We also have a Heavenly Mother. She is also in heaven watching over us.
Jesus Christ is their son, and my brother. He loves us very much. He volunteered to come to earth and fulfill His mission so that we could all be forgiven of sin, saved from death, and be resurrected with perfect bodies to live with them forever in glory.
The atonement of Jesus Christ makes it possible for us to repent and be forgiven of our sins, to overcome death through the resurrection, & live with God again.
The Holy Ghost is the third member of the Godhead and a messenger that testifies of Truth. He can be with us at all times to comfort, guide, and protect. We receive this gift from a loving Father when we are baptized and choose to live in the light that allows him to be with us. When we chose to act against truth and light - he departs and we are left alone.
(More on that here:
It is a truth taught in the bible and confirmed through the restoration.
But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God,
And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.
Purpose & Agency
Moral Agency is given to us as a gift. Truth is set by God. We have the gift of agency to choose whether or not to seek truth, to align our lives with it, and to receive the blessings reserved for those who do.
By using this agency to choose good, we draw closer to Jesus Christ and have His spirit with us.
Challenges come to all people as part of our learning. Some have more challenges based on their choices (or the choices of others) and the consequences that come as a result.
Adam and Eve were the first people on earth. Placed here by God - not evolution.
Eve had a choice between knowledge, growth, and expansion or living in complete bliss and stagnation. She sought personal revelation and used her agency to choose to eat the fruit - this opened the gateway to mortality and allowed each of us to have an earthly experience where we could learn of God, make our choices, and grow in wisdom. Her choice in Eden allowed Jesus to be born and fulfill His mission to save us all! I believe she had confirming witness of her choice and did it consciously. (Like Jesus Christ, who began feeling the heavy sorrows of the world in the garden of Gethsemane
“And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible,
let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.”
They both chose the hard road that blessed all of humanity, and fulfilled their divine missions.
I believe we each are given gifts and talents from a loving God that are specifically designed to help us to grow, bless the world, and fulfill the measure of our creation and our personal missions.
The beauty of opposition is that it allows us to choose consciously to align our lives with God.
As members of the church, we have the opportunity to receive a Patriarchal Blessing. This blessing is straight from God and voiced by one having authority from Him. It provides specific counsel, guidance, and warnings that God needs us to know specifically for our life. Mine has been an anchor and strength in so many hard things and guided my work and contribution to the world.
I believe it is the greatest opportunity of our lives to come to know God & Jesus Christ, to find and fulfill our mission, and magnify our gifts and talents to bless the world.
Partnering with God eases the pain, gives us strength beyond our own, and magnifies our efforts & offerings into glorious realities and even miracles.
Ultimately to embody the attributes of Jesus Christ and create deep personal relationships of unity and love.
Jesus Leads Today
I believe the heavens are open and Jesus Christ leads His church today.
Joseph Smith restored the church of Jesus Christ in 1830 by revelation and under the direction of God the Father, and Jesus Christ, who appeared to Him.
I believe that God works miracles through those who have pure hearts and a sincere desire for truth. They are taught and tutored by God to do His work. (Samuel, Moses... Nephi, many)
The Church of Jesus Christ is the vessel through which God is restoring the fullness of the gospel to the earth in this time. We have apostles and prophets that have been called of God to teach and lead us. They see and know things by revelation and have the wisdom to guide us back to God.
Priesthood power has been restored to earth. It is the power of God given to man. The authority comes straight from God and can be traced back to Jesus Christ himself.
The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. After his resurrection he visited the Jews & the gentiles. The Book of Mormon is the record of the people who were in the Americas. Those who left after the Tower of Babel. Many plain and precious truths are found therein. I love how it enhances what we learn in the Bible and clarifies things in a simple understandable way. I know it is true. The Holy Ghost has testified it to me again and again.
God speaks to people all over the world and more ancient scripture will be found that teaches us even more truth. The fullness of the restoration is in progress. God is with us and helping us. We hold to His revelations, receive relevant revelations for today, and look forward to more revelation and knowledge to help prepare the earth for Jesus to return.
Embracing Light
Light is one of my favorite words. All light and truth come from God. I know that as we each seek for truth and receive it, our light and knowledge is expanded, and we are guided to what we need.
This is one of my favorite scriptures:
“And that which doth not edify is not of God, and is darkness.
That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God,
receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.
And again, verily I say unto you, and I say it that you may know the truth,
that you may chase darkness from among you;”
(D&C 50:23-25)
The light of Christ is given to all people. It helps us to choose right from wrong. As we accept the atonement of Jesus Christ, have faith in Him, repent of our sins, and choose baptism by those who authority from Jesus Christ, we are given the gift of the Holy Ghost (God to be with us always). As we receive it, we have greater guidance, comfort, and power to navigate life.
Led By Jesus
We having prophets and apostles on the earth today that have been called by God (just like the 12 Jesus called in the New Testament). They dedicate themselves to God’s work full time and leave their careers behind to serve the Lord. They do not volunteer, signup, apply, or seek for this position. They are called by Revelation and under the direction of Jesus Christ himself. I love knowing that God is so aware of us and gives us so much support to navigate this earth life.
I believe in Grace and Growth. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints meets in congregations all around the world. Bishops, teachers, and leaders are called by God and VOLUNTEER their time to building the kingdom. They are not paid.
I love how God works with everyone who comes unto Him to help them become better and more Holy. We are all on earth to learn to become like God. We work, we love, we serve, we mess up, repent, forgive, we keep going, we grow. It’s is a beautiful journey of grace, compassion, and becoming.
I know that heaven is cheering for us. There are so many angels that are there to help us on this mortal journey. They must also honor our agency. As we ask for them to be with us and help us, they do.
We are watched over and provided for by a loving Father in Heaven. The blessings are there for us. We get to choose to align ourself and receive them.
Mortal Support for God's Work
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a global church supported by volunteers who are called by God, set apart, and given heavenly support to fulfill their stewardships. The Spirit works through imperfect humans in small and simple ways to bring about the magnificent purposes of God. We show up as we are, with a desire to be better and more like Jesus. Everyone is welcome. We all need Jesus. We practice grace with support each other in developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Missionaries are serving all across the world, teaching and testifying of Jesus Christ that all may come unto Him and find the peace, joy, and healing available to all of us. They leave behind family, friends, school, work, and other opportunities to serve the Lord. They pay (approx $10k ) to serve for up to 2 years and are assigned to their mission location by revelation through the prophet of God. The young missionaries ( mostly 18-21yr old) develop character, strengthen their testimonies, learn to know Jesus Christ and many other skills that bless their entire lives. Seniors also have the ability to serve missions and act as mentors, sharing their life experience, testimonies, and faith as they serve along side the young adults.
I love all the resources and support God has in place to care for His children. Whether we have physical, mental, economic, social, or spiritual needs - there are programs and resources in place for this global family to support and strengthen as we each learn to love like Jesus and receive the gifts and support He has for us.
Embracing Truth
Truth is found all around the world in many countries and religions. All God’s truth is part of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Jesus is the head of the church and His work goes forward.
Jesus is the Light-- His light is in us. As we seek the light, we come closer to God.
Remember one of my favorite scriptures:
“And that which doth not edify is not of God, and is darkness.
That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God,
receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.
And again, verily I say unto you, and I say it that you may know the truth,
that you may chase darkness from among you;”
(D&C 50:23-25)
This is my belief and the paradigm of faith from which I see the world. The Consecrated Life Project, the Anchored Community, and all I do here is guided by God.
My prayer is that it blesses your life. You are not required to agree with me or believe as I do to be here. I offer respect to your journey and expect the same for mine. Let’s grow together in light & understanding!
Come and See. Come and Serve. Come and Belong.
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A Final Note
I love you and hope you were able to feel the Spirit of God as you read this and that you may find all the truth you seek. It is all there. God is trying to give us all the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. It's our job to align our lives and our hearts so we are prepared to receive the wisdom and abundance He has for us!
My prayer is that you feel God's love in great abundance. That you know that He loves you and align your life to receive the blessings He is pouring out upon you.
The Consecrated Life Project is a global movement for Christ. Our mission is to share stories to strengthen faith. In real, authentic ways we have conversations about each person’s journey to Jesus and learning to let Him lead their lives. My hope is that by listening, you will see how God works in your life, gain strength and clarity on your next steps, and learn how God speaks to you personally. If you need strength, have a story to share, or desire to support please visit
This is a gathering place for people who love Jesus. Those who desire to make Him the focus of their lives, to unite with others who are also on the path of sanctification and to grow grace by grace. Inside there are opportunities to connect, to collaborate, to share your gifts/talents/mission, to be inspired, and get coaching. We activate miracles, align our lives with God, receive support and love in all seasons of life as we navigate joyfully in a safe space. Learn more:
To share your experience, please click here.
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